UK to make proposals to EU in time for the December council meeting

  • Need to get transition period in place as soon as possible, preferably within the next few months
  • The more access to EU markets post-Brexit, the better; hope to have large elements of new trade deals with EU agreed upon in principle before the Brexit occurs
  • Increasingly confident that the UK will get a Brexit agreement
  • Budget announcement on Wed will listen to Britons who are struggling- “After many years of struggling to get the (budget) deficit down and seeing our debt still rising I think we are at last about to turn that corner and see debt begin to fall.”
  • Will look for ways to lower pressure on health services in a balanced and measured way
  • Looking to address home affordability; target construction of 300K new homes a year, a big increase from current rate

Should smalls help the £ if anything on the open imho

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