December 2017 US ISM manufacturing PMI report 3 January 2018

  • Prior 58.2
  • Employment 57.0 vs 59.0 exp. Prior 59.7
  • Prices paid 69.0 vs 65.0 exp. Prior 65.5
  • New orders 69.4 vs 64.0 prior. Highest since Jan 2004

Strong read on the input prices.

A good report but still we have a limited reaction in FX. USDJPY has half heartedly moved up to 112.35 from 112.20 but EURUSD has had a closer look at 1.20 with a 1.2008 low. GBPUSD drops to 1.3519 from 1.3530.

ISM notes;

  • New Orders, Production, and Employment Continue Growing
  • Supplier Deliveries Slowing at Faster Rate; Backlog Growing
  • Raw Materials Inventories Contracting, Customers’ Inventories Too Low
  • Prices Increasing at Faster Rate

International activity continues to increase with both exports and imports continuing to grow.

Also out;

  • US construction spoending Nov 2017 0.8% vs 0.5% exp m/m. Prior 1.4%. Revised to 0.9%
Ryan Littlestone

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