
The big market players are analysing the markets like the rest of us. This is where you can read what they have to say.

Fed: Same game, different rules

Fed: Same game, different rules

Fixed Income Research & Macro Strategy (FIRMS) - 4X Global Research The Federal Reserve at its policy meeting on 16th June, whether inadvertently or by design, reset financial markets’ clocks. The dust has since settled somewhat, with US short-end and long-end...

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Fed: Same game, different rules

US and UK: The Comeback Kids

Fixed Income Research & Macro Strategy (FIRMS) - 4X Global Research The US Dollar NEER has since 12th February appreciated about 2.3% to a 4-month high and its inverse correlation with the S&P 500 (-4.2%) has re-established itself. This is in line with our...

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Fed: Same game, different rules

Currency seasonality’s slow comeback?

Fixed Income Research & Macro Strategy (FIRMS) from 4X Global Research This report updates the monthly seasonal patterns of 31 major Nominal Effective Exchange Rates (NEERs) going back to January 2010, using over two million daily data points with trade-weights...

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Fed: Same game, different rules

Biden’s trump cards and challenges

Fixed Income Research & Macro Strategy (FIRMS) from 4X Global Research Barring another dramatic twist in an already torturous two months of political upheaval, Joe Biden will find a very full in-tray when he settles into the famed Oval Office in eight days time....

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Fed: Same game, different rules

Far more to Renminbi than USD/CNY cross

Fixed Income Research & Macro Strategy (FIRMS) from 4X Global Research The prevailing market view, as depicted in a recent Reuters article, is seemingly that Chinese policy makers are happy to allow further Renminbi appreciation versus the Dollar driven by a...

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Fed: Same game, different rules

Time is priceless but has a steep cost

Fixed Income Research & Macro Strategy (FIRMS) – 4X Global Research While some countries, including Sweden and United states, have eschewed national lockdowns over the past nine months or so the vast majority have adopted unprecedented measures to deal with a once...

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Fed: Same game, different rules

US Dollar – Calm before the storm?

Fixed Income Research & Macro Strategy (FIRMS) - 4X Global Research The Dollar has treaded water in the past three months, in line with our benign view that “forecasts of the Dollar’s demise as the world’s number one reserve currency are at best extremely...

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Fed: Same game, different rules

PBOC likely to keep Renminbi on tight leash

Fixed Income Research & Macro Strategy (FIRMS) from 4X Global Research Only four currencies have appreciated by more than 4% versus US Dollar since end-July: the high-yielding South African Rand (4.6%) and Mexican Peso (5.8%), the Chinese Renminbi (4.4%) and...

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Fed: Same game, different rules

UK & Sterling facing potential quadruple whammy

Fixed Income Research & Macro Strategy (FIRMS) – From 4X Global Research Sterling has enjoyed a strong, if bumpy ride, since late-June. It has been the second strongest major currency against the US Dollar and appreciated 3.7% in NEER term, thanks in part to a...

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Fed: Same game, different rules

Warnings about US economy and USD overblown

Fixed Income Research & Macro Strategy (FIRMS) from 4X Global Research The United States’ post-war record GDP contraction in Q2 of 9.5% qoq and the Dollar’s recent depreciation have been making headline news but some perspective is required. The US GDP contracted...

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Fed: Same game, different rules

Retail sales key to UK economic growth recovery

Fixed Income Research & Macro Strategy (FIRMS) from 4X Global Research The volume of retail sales – the value of the sale of goods adjusted for domestic inflation – rose a faster-than-expected 14% mom in June. In level terms UK retail sales were only 1% below the...

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