Central Banks

A huge amount of market moves revolves around the interest rate policies of national central banks. Here you can read and search for all the latest and historical news from global central banks and their armies of chattering governing members.

The “all you need” Fed preview

The “all you need” Fed preview

Today is all about the Fed's rate flight path, not today's hike itself It will be a surpsise if they go anything different to 75bps but that risk is very low. What will be in focus is the weakening data and it's effect on the Fed's rate path. Will Powell turn more...

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Central banks are in trouble again

Central banks are in trouble again

Ukraine/Russia conflict is going to exacerbate problems for the world's central banks Do you know what a central bank doesn't want when it's trying to play catch up on an inflation shock? It's another inflationary shock piled on top of the first one. If you've been...

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