Which 3 lucky people nailed the numbers over the NFP?

A very close battle this month and some very good guesses. Here’s the tree winners who came closest this month.

Closest to Friday’s 196K NFP number was;

  1. art with 195k
  2. GarryS with 205k

Both of you folks win a free 1 month pass to the ForexFlow platform.

The winner of the 1 month pass to Livesquawk was Akaash Jain with 180k.

Well done to all three of you. To claim your prize, send us a message via our contact form here, or via the button in the top website menu.

Commiserations to everyone else but you can still join the ForexFlow platform here and get a 2 week free trial of Livesquawk here using the promo code forexflow.

Ryan Littlestone

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