Do you really need “one more trade”?

When I worked in the CIty, this time of year was usually a complete write off as far as market activity went. Lots of traders would be off, others would come and go when they pleased and a lot of folks would be smashing the Christmas lunches with clients and friends. This would naturally bring a big drop in liquidity and volatility.

I’m sure you’ve all had a long, long year of trading (and life in general) and I hope you’ve smashed it. The best advice I can give to traders at this time of year is to piss off. Apart from Easter, this is the only time of year when the market is pretty much giving you a real reason to stop trading. Looking after ourselves is just as important as looking after our trading accounts, so forget trying to squeeze a few more pips out of these markets, switch your screens off and go and do something more fun instead. Go be with family and friends. Go play that game with your kids you’ve been promising to do for ages. Make that phonecall to a friend or relative you’ve been putting off.

For many, last year’s Christmas/holiday period was shit (it certainly was for my family). We were locked down, couldn’t mix with people and the life got sucked out of the whole event. This year some of you, or your relatives and friends, may be facing the same, so switch the trading platforms off, stow your apps and news and go and be productive with your time. Make that phonecall, watch that crap film, go and do something charitable for a neighbour or your community.

Markets will be here in January and two weeks into the new year you’ll wonder where this time went. In these trying times of the virus and lockdowns, it’s even more important that your mental health and state of mind need to be in tip-top condition for trading, so if you are feeling desperate to trade, when you really could be doing something else, ask yourself if you’re being a trader or a gambler? Give yourself a well earned break, get refreshed, and come back in the New Year fighting fit and ready to take the markets on again.

Now, piss off 😂


Ryan Littlestone

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