Same interview, different reporting on Trump’s tariffs

Same interview, different reporting on Trump’s tariffs

Peter Navarro, director of the WH National Trade Council on CNN on Sunday 04.03.2018 The two articles in question: The FT’s title is clear : No exemptions Reuters title is clear: “Trump trade adviser sees business exemptions for new tariffs”  Ok I...
Not so fast hombre! Talks with North-Korea?

Not so fast hombre! Talks with North-Korea?

White House may have different ideas compared to Tillerson Tillerson could find himself in an awkward position, not representing the White House over talks with NK. Affair to follow as the Nikkei reports. I’m kinda happy being short my crosses JPY still from...
Pres Trump: recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s capital

Pres Trump: recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s capital

It’s in the best interests of the US and the pursuit of peace between Israelis and Palestinians Jerusalem should remain open to Christians, Muslims and Jews Will begin preparations for moving US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem Decision to recognize Jerusalem...

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