Here are today’s trading views and ideas for the day ahead 15 August 2018

Good morning and welcome to today’s trading post.

UK CPI data is the main data event in Europe before we switch to the US and a look at the consumer via retail sales and the first manufacturing numbers of the new month from the Empire report. That’s followed by industrial production, business inventories and the NAHB housing market index. I’m sure there will be plenty of news in between. You can find all the data due and what’s expected on our calendar here.

On the trade front, the balance of my AUDUSD short TP’d overnight at 0.7205, ahead of the next barrier at 0.7200. I was trying to play GBPUSD longs into 1.2700 yesterday but kept going unfilled at 05 when we first went down there. After 3 times of not being filled, I pulled the order because I have my rules for trading big figs and it wasn’t working. I’ll see what happens with the CPI report before looking at what opportunities might be available.

My USDMXN short is trucking along nicely so I’m happy with that and the other FFL traders are filling their boots too. All good in the trading hood.

As always, good luck today and I wish you mucho pips.

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Ryan Littlestone

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