RBA leaves interest unchanged at 1.50% as expected

RBA leaves interest unchanged at 1.50% as expected

RBA August 2018 Interest rate decision on 07.08.2018 GDP growth to average a bit above 3% progress on inflation and unemployment to be gradual Headline inflation expected to remain lower than earlier expected in 2018 Inflation expected to be higher in 2019/2020 Low...
BOE raises interest rate to 0.75% from 0.50%

BOE raises interest rate to 0.75% from 0.50%

BOE interest rate decision and inflation report 02.08.2018 Vote for hike 9-0 , a unanimous vote QE maintained at 435B£ Further rate hikes will be limited and gradual 1yr inflation forecast 2.15% from 2.13% 2 yr inflation 2.09% from 2.03% 3 yr inflation 2.03% from...

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