Friday 22.06.2018 FX closing rates

Friday 22.06.2018 FX closing rates

Another stressful yoyo week has flown by Central banks with BOE, SNB, Norges, Banxico and a few others we follow a bit less have given their verdict. BOE surprised with a 6-3 status quo vote sending cable back up out of the 1.30 danger zone pretty uch to where we...
When central banks fight back!

When central banks fight back!

Central banks are checking their weapons and that’s giving some respite to their weakening currencies today Turkey’s CB is starting to talk tough, while the Argentine CB has been throwing their reserves at it. Remember though, these bods are on the wrong...
Pres Trump pushing for a preliminary NAFTA deal

Pres Trump pushing for a preliminary NAFTA deal

CAD and MXN ticking up Here’s a few details on the timeline by Bloomberg : ” Mexican Economy Minister Ildefonso Guajardo will travel to Washington for meetings with U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer on Wednesday, the people said. Some meetings...

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