Trading Trump’s tariffs

Trading Trump’s tariffs

A look at how to trade AUDUSD and USDCAD through the tariff Trumpeting Following on from my Trump post from Friday, today I spoke to Nick Batsford CEO of Core London TV about trading AUDUSD and...
Donald Trump the genius?

Donald Trump the genius?

Has Trump pulled off a masterstroke with his tariff plan and trade threats? Let me set my stall out. As someone from the UK, standing outside and looking in, I’m split over Trump. Some of the things he says and does are messed up. His constant ranting about fake...
Same interview, different reporting on Trump’s tariffs

Same interview, different reporting on Trump’s tariffs

Peter Navarro, director of the WH National Trade Council on CNN on Sunday 04.03.2018 The two articles in question: The FT’s title is clear : No exemptions Reuters title is clear: “Trump trade adviser sees business exemptions for new tariffs”  Ok I...

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