Flow Cryptocurrencies

All the news from the world of crypto and digital currency trading.

Reuters launches Bitcoin news algo

Reuters launches Bitcoin news algo

Reuters will be scouring the news wires for Cryptocurrency news Today, Thomson Reuters released a new algo to track cryptocurrency news. In conjunction with it's MarketPsych partner it will scan over 400 websites and social media outlets looking for market moving...

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The $400 million Bitcoin BTFD

The $400 million Bitcoin BTFD

There's BTFD and then there's BTFD XL as one punter goes in for $400 million Bitcoin dip buy One cryptocurrency trader spent $400 million hoovering up Bitcoin last week. Between the 9th and 12th the trader increased their holding from 55k to nearly 97k, and that...

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ForexFlow.live delivers relevant, breaking forex and other market news and analysis to traders of every experience. ForexFlow.live does it with style, effectiveness and more than a spoonful of fun. ForexFlow.live produces analysis, and deciphers the news and data in a way that cuts straight to the heart of trading, clearly, concisely and quickly. Most importantly, ForexFlow.live is run for traders, by traders. If you really want the fastest and best global trading views and opinions in the market, ForexFlow.live is all you need. Good luck with your trading.

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